Direct and repeated quantitative measurements of oxygen in critical tissues…
时间:2018年7月8日10:30 -12:00
题目:Direct and repeated quantitative measurements of oxygen in critical tissues at risk to enhance diagnosis and therapy of diabetic peripheral vascular disease.
报告者:H.M. Swartz, M.D, Ph.D. Professor and Director of EPR Center at Dartmouth College, USA
H.M. Swartz, M.D, Ph.D. is a professor and director of EPR Center at Dartmouth College, USA .He is also the Professor of Radiology, Physiology, Chemistry, Community & Family Medicine, and Bioengineering in Dartmouth College since 1991, and Co-Director of Cancer Imaging and Radiology Biology Program of Cancer Center since 2003.
Professor Swartz received his M.D from Univ. of Illinois College of Medicine in 1959, MSPH in Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC in1962 and Ph.D in Georgetown Univ. Medical School in 1969.
From 1962 to 1970,Professor Swartz served as Fellow in Nuclear Medicine, Head- Department of Biophysics, Head- Biochemistry Department, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. He was associate professor and professor of Radiology and of Biochemistry at Medical College of Wisconsin from 1970 to 1980, and professor of Biophysics, Medicine and Bioengineering at Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1981 to 1991
Professor Swartz’s research is based on Clinical Applications of EPR, measurement of oxygen under biologically pertinent conditions and their application to medically significant problems, biodosimetry for determining exposure to ionizing radiation retrospectively, free Radicals and other paramagnetic species in functioning biological systems, and Melanoma’simpact of oxygen and melanin, etc. He has received a variety of honors, including Silver Medal from the Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine in 1993, Silver Medal (Biomedicine) from the International EPR (ESR) Society 1994, Elected Fellow of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine in 1997, The International Zavoisky Award in 2005, Fellow of the International EPR (ESR) Society in 2005, Special Gold Medal as Founder of the International EPR (ESR) Society, 2005, Appointed Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine Alma Hass Milham Distinguished Chair in Clinical Medicine in 2012 and Inducted to the Geisel School of Medicine Academy of Faculty Master Educators in 2015.